FOR $9.99

I was telling my retired yoga students today how I’d been freezing all morning.  How the rooms I had been teaching in were freezing (including the current one), and that it had gotten me internally cold.  

A student who comes only once in a while replied, “You need a bed buddy!” 

Oh dear! 

I figured he was joking because he’s been such a respectable person and student in the past that I didn’t, AT ALL, take it the wrong way.  No, not from him. 

I answered, “Yea that’s not hard these days.”

I was thinking of how internet dating has made it so easy for men (and women) to date (therefore sleep around). 

Then we (the rest of the students and I), soon realized, he was talking about the “Bed Buddy Body Wrap” that you can purchase from a local store for $9.99.  This student (who I appreciate even more after this incident / mishap) who is well in his 70’s and suffers from much physical pain, began to describe it… and how it makes his hips “feel so much better”.  

Oh, I just had to act like I knew what he was talking about all that time.  I think we all did.