I’m reading 90 Days of God’s Goodness by Randy Alcorn.  He mainly speaks of major tragedies, ones we often only witness from the sidelines — making the news.  

These individuals find themselves with deeper faith in God.  HOW do they find Light after Darkness?   

They believe in the God “Who knows the End from the Beginning”.  Because even though we don’t know what lies ahead, the Imperial God does.

“Our own knowledge is remarkably small,” he says.  “God’s is infinitely great.”  

There is nothing He does not know.  Therefore nothing can take Him by surprise.  Nothing can spoil His plans.  Nothing can thwart His promises.

One of the sufferers said, “I’m here to tell you, I would not have the relationship with God that I have, if I had not suffered deeply.  God revealed treasures to me that could only be found, I believe, in the darkness.”

When I was in 6th grade, one of my classmates and his family (mom, dad, older sister, older brother) were hit by a drunk driver.  All of his family died instantly.  He was in critical condition for awhile, but lived.  

I CANNOT even imagine what he went through (or is still going through).  The whole school was devastated.  We all knew the family — they were outstanding.  Beautiful — inside and out. 

He did come back to school when he got better.  I never really got to say much to him.  I mean, what do you even say?  I may be better equipped now as an adult, but I was 12 -years-old and I had never been that close to anyone losing his Entire family all at the same time.

How does one keep their Faith?  How does one begin to be grateful?  How does one even Live or Breath — never mind breathing Deeply? 



“When people lose their faith because of suffering, it suggests a weak or nominal faith.  It didn’t account for or prepare them for evil and suffering.  Any faith not based on the Truth needs to be lost, the sooner the better.  Suffering and evil exerts a force that either pushes us away from God or pulls us toward him.  But if personal suffering gives sufficient evidence that God doesn’t exist, then surely I shouldn’t wait until I Suffer to conclude He’s a myth.  If my suffering would, one day, justify denying God,  then I should deny him Now, in light of other people’s suffering.

Believing that God exist isn’t the same as trusting that God exists.”  — Randy Alcorn.

Know that We will all have a happy ending.  If it isn’t happy, it isn’t the end.


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