Music really is the language of the soul.  

“Hear Me Roar” was a celebration of women in Classical music.

Chicago Sinfonietta honored diversity and women at their concert today by playing musical compositions written by women.

Its musical director, Mei-Ann Chen, voiced that, only, less than 2 percent of music programmed by major U.S. orchestras were written by women.  

“Now let’s think about that for a second…  That’s less that milk!”  

The audience laughed.  But why is that?  Because yesterday’s pieces alone, (#metoo was a debut) were mesmerizing.  

Why aren’t women being heard?

Dora Pejacevic, may be the musical director’s favorite composers of all time, but was Not recognized as a woman.  They only used her initials when they publicly reviewed her compositions.  She wrote over one hundred symphonies before she passed in her 30’s.

Thank you to these women who used their talent.

Let’s not downplay our talent(s).  Use them as these women did so beautifully.   

You can find the Chicago Sinfonietta at http://www.chicagosinfonietta.org

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