I have taken many chances.  Still do!  Maybe too many for my own good.  

I have booked a ticket to several parts of India, Europe, the United States, and had no plans whatsoever when I landed.  I trusted that all would turn out as they should.  I trusted that things would take care of themselves.  And yes, surely they did.  But not without much FEAR of the unknown and the Dangers of being all by myself.  But I also knew that there would be great SURPRISES.  Great successes.  Great knowledge.  Great opportunities.  


T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,says that Rich people focus of  Rewards while Poor people focus on Risks.

Let’s stop focusing or being afraid of what Could only go wrong, and start focusing (or being excited) about what could possibly go completely Right. 

We need to Not think about what we are risking or giving up, and start to think about Endless Possibilities.

Take chances.  TAKE MANY chances.

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