finding your passion

passion's a big word. and finding your passion doesn't always come easily. so how do i find it you ask.. they say if u think love needs to look like "romeo & juliet" then you might overlook a great relationship that grows slowly. and if you think you haven't found your passion yet then you probably think it should be overwhelming. when i first started doing music all i wanted was for it to supplement my true passion at the time which was acting. i figured it could only boost my acting career.. but here i am with a single, an ep, and 5 full albums later. and writing songs like there's no tomorrow :) so no, passion doesn't have to strike like lightning. not right away anyways :) but it does come in doing what your heart calls for. everyday. every moment you can spare. i hope you find your passion if you haven't already. and may you keep finding more passion cause i know i do.. a song doesn't fail to keep me up at night when i need to be sleeping..

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