Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!

Big party here for Mother's Day!!!! We're having a special Mother's Day celebration this year at my brother's house since there's a new addition to our family. She can't come out of the house yet. My brother and his wife just had a little baby girl. Her name's Ella :) and I'm an aunt! Sniff sniff (..but I'll have to write all about that next time :)

I don't have enough words to express how amazing Mothers are! So I decided to dedicate "Get Up" to all mothers of the world.. (even if you're a man cause I'm sure there are lots of single fathers out there too). Because special Mothers seem to always be there for us, with us, to help us 'Get Up'

Sorry for the foolishness but that's me :) and I'm sort of a "one take" kinda gal! Lol. I've got lots of email to answer remember ;)

..to my own mother "YOU ARE MY STRENGTH, my HOME, my INTEGRITY, my HERO.."

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