how can happiness be achieved?

i received a heartbreaking email the other day from a friend here on myspace. i have also met him recently at a show in chicago. at the show i could tell he was having a hard time but at the same time very positive about life and his music. he dropped me an email. here it is.. (don't worry i have his permission to publish it) "I ask you humbly, on one knee if possible, what it can mean to be truly and utterly happy? I've been mired in a negative miasma for months, clinging weakly, akin to drowning with no air to reach. Over the weekend some of these hang-ups came to light after a bad falling out with a now former friend in my "scene", and while I know she would've said a lot of that shit to poke at me, I can't help but look back on it and realize it may be the truth leaking out. I've been miserable for far too long, and want out...not only out of this degrading music scene populated by nay-sayers and backstabbers (and obviously enter a new one where my skills can be appreciated), but out of the smog they emit, the soul-crushing, volatile detriments of false hope and fake sincerity. I ask of you as I fear I may not be able to do it can happiness and contention be achieved? please.. if you have any words, any thing, to console him. please don't hesitate to help because i'm sure each and everyone of us have dark times such as this.. i do believe time heals all wounds and as long as we're living, we will always experience pain. but i do encourage you to learn from it, and to embrace it because without pain, we cannot appreciate pleasure. and i know that this life brings more pleasure than pain. as for the music industry or the entertainment industry in general, it the road less traveled because if it were easy, everyone would be doing it. but whatever you decide, make sure it's for you and not for anyone else. again, i wrote this song knowing that the road to happiness, is the same road to "me" and only you can bring happiness into your own heart.

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